Exposed Aggregate Pavers or Travertine Pavers for pool? Everything you need to know – explained!

Exposed Aggregate Pavers or Travertine Pavers for Pool?

Embarking on the journey to enhance your pool area often involves the timeless choice of Natural Stone for pool paving. While numerous paving options exist, natural stone stands out as the most popular selection for its enduring beauty and classic appeal.

Within the realm of natural stone, Limestone and Travertine emerge as the main choices that captivate homeowners seeking a harmonious blend of aesthetics and functionality. In this blog, we’ll take a look at the nuances of these two remarkable natural stones with a detailed Pros and Cons comparison, this will help you with making an informed decision for your dream poolside oasis.

people having fun floating in swimming pool in perth

Pros and Cons of Exposed Aggregate Pavers for Pool area

Exposed Aggregate Pavers has long been favoured for its timeless elegance and versatile applications. Exposed Aggregate embodies a unique blend of durability and aesthetic appeal. They embody a distinctive combination of durability and aesthetic allure, made from natural raw materials with rich colours seamlessly integrating into any outdoor environment.

This stylish collection is offered in various sizes, providing an excellent option compared to poured exposed aggregate concrete. The pavers deliver both elegance and resilience, with the added benefit of easy replacement, removal, and reinstallation if needed.

Pros of Exposed Aggregate Pavers for Pool area:

Exquisite – Snowflake

Elegant Aesthetics:

Exposed Aggregate Pavers has the ability to exude classic and elegant aesthetics, adding a touch of sophistication to your pool area. The endless colour options of Exposed Aggregate Pavers complement a range of architectural styles, making it a versatile choice for those seeking an aesthetically and contemporary looking poolside.

Cool Underfoot:

All Pavers get hot under the sun but one of the standout features of Exposed Aggregate Pavers is its capacity to remain relatively cooler underfoot, especially the lighter colours. This characteristic enhances the overall comfort of your poolside lounging experience, particularly in the scorching Perth summer. The coolness of Exposed Aggregate Pavers ensures that even during the hottest days, your pool area remains a pleasant retreat.

Uniform Look:

Exposed Aggregate Pavers offers a uniform and consistent appearance, contributing to a cohesive and well-designed pool space. This characteristic makes it an excellent choice for those leaning towards a more formal or contemporary pool design, where a sleek and consistent aesthetic is desired.


Cons of Limestone Pavers for Pool area:

Limited Sizes

While it may not be a significant concern for some individuals, it’s important to note that exposed aggregate pavers are only available in square or rectangular options.


Pros and Cons of Travertine Pavers for Pool area

Travertine pavers effortlessly integrate into contemporary styles, bringing a touch of European charm to inviting pool areas. Originating from mineral-rich waters over centuries, this sedimentary rock not only pays homage to the beauty of nature but also offers a diverse array of robust patterns and colours for you to choose from.

Pros of Travertine Pavers for Pool Area:

Travertine – Latte French Pattern

Distinctive Aesthetics:

Travertine stands as a testament to distinctive aesthetics, boasting a natural appearance adorned with earthy colours and captivating patterns. It introduces a rustic yet sophisticated charm to your pool area, creating a visual tapestry that resonates with the Australian landscape.


Renowned for its durability, limestone stands as a reliable choice capable of withstanding the demands of constant foot traffic and diverse weather conditions. This inherent sturdiness ensures the enduring appeal of your poolside area, making it a strategic investment for the long term.

Cool and Comfortable:

Like limestone, travertine has the innate ability to stay cool underfoot, contributing to a comfortable and inviting surface for poolside relaxation. This quality ensures that your outdoor retreat remains a cool sanctuary even during the hottest Perth summers.


Cons of Travertine Pavers for Pool Area:


Travertine, with its porous surface, presents challenges that needs proper sealing to prevent staining. While it radiates natural beauty, homeowners must be proactive in ensuring that the material is adequately protected to preserve its aesthetic appeal over time.


While travertine pavers boast natural beauty and charm, there are several reasons why some individuals might not prefer the design of the pavers including non-uniform colours and vein patterns.

woman and man thinking

Which is better?

In the debate between exposed aggregate and travertine for your pool paving, the decision ultimately rests on your unique preferences, practical considerations and the vision you have for your pool area.

If timeless elegance, a uniform appearance and a cooler surface underfoot are at the top of your priority list, exposed aggregate may be the ideal choice. While it exudes sophistication, it’s worth noting that exposed aggregate might be more susceptible to staining, needing prompt attention to spills.

On the flip side, if you lean towards distinctive aesthetic, travertine emerges as a strong contender. Its natural charm, with earthy colours and captivating patterns adds a rustic yet sophisticated touch to your poolside retreat.

In the end, it’s about finding the perfect match for your lifestyle and creating a poolside sanctuary that reflects your taste and withstands the test of time.

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Contact Remastone today to discuss with the expert team what would be the perfect pick for your Pool, let’s transform your vision into reality – contact us now!

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